Multivariable Transmitter


That's the way, technology should work:

KISS - Keep It Safe and Simple

Finally an affordable and easy-setup transmitter!

The SYS-MMF is a low-cost, multivariable transmitter for simple mass flow measurement using the differential pressure method. In addition to the differential pressure, the transmitter internally measures the static pressure p1 and has a PT100 3-wire input to compensate the fluid temperature. The SYS-MTF type has only a differential pressure sensor and a temperature input (no pabs sensor), so it can be used e.g.  for saturated steam, or if the pressure in the application can be assumed to be constant.

The SYS-MMF can be completely setup very quickly and easily by means of a simple parameterization using the three front keys. Complex parameterization software is not required for this. The SYS-MMF is a 2-wire 4..20mA transmitter (HART-capable) as standard. An additional Modbus interface is available as an option.

The SYS-MMF can be used for gases, saturated and superheated steam and for liquids.

It really saves money!

In combination with the deltaflow, the SYS-MMF is a particularly effective time and money saver. Install a completely p and T-compensated mass measurement via a single stud in the pipe. In the left picture you can see, for example, a complete presure an temperature compensated steam mass measurement.

The SYS-MMF together with the deltaflow pitot tube replaces:

  • Extra transmitters for pressure and temperature
  • Extra installation of studs for pressure and temperature in the pipe
  • Additional condensate vessels and shut-off valves
  • The wiring of pressure and temperature measurement
  • The use of a compensation calculator or corresponding calculation modules in the PLC
  • Complicated programming and setups

The complete mass flow measurement is therefore via a single stud in the pipe and the parameterization is - in contrast to other multivariable transmitters - child's play.

Setup of the Multivariable SYS-MMF is that easy:

For the setup of the SYS-MMF you do not need a HART or bus connection, no incomprehensible and expensive software, you set the transmitter yourself with a few additional parameters on the device. Of course, this can also be done via HART - but it doesn't have to be.

Our proven free software deltacalc-excel calculates the necessary parameters for you. You can not only calculat deltaflow probes with it, but also as classical primary elements according to ISO 5167, i.e. orifices, nozzles, venturis, etc.

You can download deltacalc Excel here ->

If you already have a design and calculation result of your primary element or if your primary element is not listed in deltaclac Excel (e.g. pitot tubes from third party), you may use the very simple MMF-design Excel tool to calculate the specific SYS MMF parameters. The download is just below in the download section of this page.

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  Technical Data

Measurement principle
  • Pressure- and Temperature compensated Mass flow from Differential Pressure Principle Measurements
  • All standardized primary elements from ISO 5167 such as orifices, venturis, nozzles. pitot tubes. General primary elements with quadratic characteristic
Displayed Values
  • Mass- Standard Volume- or Volume flow
  • Totalizer
  • dp, pabs and T
  • Gases, Steam, Liquids
Cell sizes
  • Type BB: dp 0..10mbar, pabs 0..20bara
  • Type BD: dp 0..60mbar, pabs 0..20bara
  • Type DE: dp 0..400mbar, pabs 0..100bara
  • Type DN: dp 0..2500mbar, pabs 0..250bara
Accuracy Mass Flow
  • Typical 1%FS plus class of the primary element
Electrical Terminals
  • 4..20mA 2-wire, HART-capable
  • Optional ModBus
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