Flow measurement for open channels

Measuring the flow in open flumes is a challenging task which requires an up-to date device. Our ultrasonic transit-time flowmeter deltawave provides a stable and reliable measurement even under rough conditions. Over and above, deltawave is also an appropriate flowmeter for a wide range of applications from small channels up to big rivers

See deltawave’s product overview for further informations.

ultrasonic transit-time flowmeter

deltawave is also an
appropriate flowmeter for a
wide range of applications.

Case history: Flow measurement for flood protection

State-of-the-art flood protection systems requires reliable and mainly continuous flow data. With deltawave, it is now possible to measure the flow continuously and reliable instead of “estimate” the flow inaccurately by using only levelmeters. deltawave is applicable in open channels, in streams and even in rivers with a broadness up to 150m and provides an accuracy up to 1% – reliable, stable and maintenance-free.

outflow of a flood control basin

Continuous flow measurement with ultrasonic transit-time

The picture shows the outflow of a flood control basin which is controlled by the regional bavarian water management council. On the one side, the council has to ensure a minimal outflow of app. 800 because of water-dependent factories located downstream. But the quite more important task on the other side is to gain reliable and precise flow data during flood water periods in order to initiate proper protective measures. Due to that challenging conditions, one point for the council to decide for deltawave is it’s capability to cover a huge measurement range from dry weather flow up to flood waters.

Simple installation by using customized mounting rails

One reason for the council manager to choose the deltawave system was the easy and convenient mounting of the ultrasonic transducers with a minimum of civil work. The ultrasonic transducers are mounted on mounting rails including an extraction system. The rails are just fixed to the channel walls using simple dowles. That is also possible in case of rough channel walls because of the integrated adjustement screws. Advantage: The transducers can be easily removed under normal operation conditions which means a big plus for the process reliability.

Measurement parameters

  • Flume type: Trapeozidal channel
  • Medium: River water
  • No. of paths: 4
  • Transducer type: 500 kHz
  • Transducer mounting: Mounting rails
  • Levelmeter: Radar
  • Path lengths: 3m – 6m
  • Typical flow speed. 0.2 to 1m/s
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